<a href=" Visit This Link.jpg”>It’s really hard to get back in the swing of reading comics and writing a bit about how I enjoy them and the finer points of an issue — all while trying to stay spoiler free. So This morning I Tasked myself with catching up with miles Morales: The Ultimate Spider-man. The cover had me believing that it would be a Miles on “peter clone” fight. As everyone who has read the series shockingly knows Mr.Parker is back (I think he’s a clone). The Issue ended as a tag team match against Osborne. It was interesting to see a comic reflect the almost instant nature of news and how it is disseminated today among people, today: Tablets, TV and computers. There was also teenage romance drama at its finest. The art was amazing, David Marquez continues to deliverer. While we are on the subject of contributors to a book, Bendis is doing a tremendous job with the crafting of the story that is a great reentry into the Marvel Ultimate universe.
Of I wore you and I was reading this post I would be getting this book and maybe the three before it and catch up with Miles.