Angela: Asgard’s Assassin #3
Publisher: Marvel
Retail Price: $3.99
Release Date: FEB 4 2015
Artist : Stephanie Hans, Phil Jimenezl
Cover: Stephanie Hans
Writer(s): Kieron Gillen, Marguerite Bennett
This week saw a lot of Great releases, one of which was the Spawn 250 Milestone, my cousin (gozer84) Already called the review on that title here, I’ll just say I enjoyed the writing. Anyway, back to Angela’s the art here is amazing it’s literally the chief reason I keep reading this book — its gorgeous. If we are being honest the plot of the book goes the long way around to introduce the concept of angels into the marvel universe – but it works, barely but it works. This particular issue introduces a few a few other wrinkles into the marvel universe and explores Hel.
What’s interesting about this book is, its taken a character that a lot of comic fans remember from the 90’s and made her relevant and real for me again, I Really care about Angela and I want to see her become the Asgard Assassin. Like with my other posts I hate spoiling the plot and never want to ruin a good book so I’ll leave this post here — Get this book and read it.